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Medieval glass for popes, princes, and peasants.
Medienart: book2.png n a
Autor:Whitehouse, David ; Gudenrath, William
Titel:Medieval glass for popes, princes, and peasants
Untertitel:accompanies the exhibition ... held at The Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, NY from May 15, 1910 - January 2, 2011
Nebeneinträge:Whitehouse, David ; Gudenrath, William
Verlag:Corning, NY
Signatur:GL 3.2 40
Schlagworte:Ausstellung ; Geschichte 500-1500 ; Glas ; Glassware ; Medieval ; Glass manufacture ; Corning ; 2010>
Umfangsangabe:274 S.
Exemplarzahl:1 Exemplare, 0 verliehen, 1 verfügbar
Annotation:Glassmaking in ancient Rome : the end of a tradition -- Glass in medieval Europe -- The early and central Middle Ages -- The late Middle Ages -- The manufacture of medieval glass -- Glassmaking in Europe between A.D. 500 and 1500 / Karl Hans Wedepohl -- Glassblowing in the Middle Ages : tradition and innovation / William Gudenrath -- Glass in the Renaissance -- Catalog.
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book.png Medieval glass for popes, princes, and peasants.GL 3.2 40 verleihbar
book.png Roman glass in the Corning Museum of Glass.GL 3.2 138 verleihbar